We help you achieve your sustainability objectives

Water is scarce. The world needs a strategic water supply. That is why the wise use of water is crucial in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that the United Nations wants to achieve by 2030.

As a result, more and more companies are taking the initiative to undertake sustainable business, including for their water management. But at the same time, their business has to keep running. This creates the economic need to use alternative water sources. And that is why there is WaaS Asia.

WaaS Asia is a subsidiary of a Belgium stock listed company Ekopak Sustainable Water. WaaS Asia focuses on reducing the water footprint for industrial customers across Asia.

WaaS Asia gives you a total solution

We use proven technologies to reduce, reuse and revalue water.

  • Continuous water supply: we ensure that you always have the required water volume
  • Efficient water management: we help you save, reuse and recycle water
  • Sustainable approach: we tap to alternative water sources and guarantee top service

If you sign up for WaaS, you choose continuity. We help your company achieve its sustainability objectives.

You work with a strong partner for your water management

Water-as-a-Service (WaaS) Asia is a joint venture between Ekopak Sustainable Water and Vyncke. Ekopak is specialized in circular water solutions. Vyncke provides clean energy technology and solutions. Both companies operate globally and have years of experience in the field of sustainability.

Our goal is to help industries switch to more sustainable alternative water sources, including re-purification of wastewater from the company site or use of rain water.


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